Samtos Samoyed Show Dogs in the Ring
BPIS, MBPIG, AKC, CKC Champion Samtos's Sacred Haven
Haven was our pick of the litter kept out of Portia and DJ's litter. Like her sire, Haven hit the show ring with a bang. On her first week out, she was awarded 4th in Working Group, 3rd in Working Group, 2nd in working Group, and Best Puppy in show; finishing her Canadian Championship in just a weekend.
At the American Samoyed Nationals, she was showed along with two of her siblings in the brood bitch when Portia was awarded 2nd in brood bitch class at the American Nationals. Her second American show was the Cleveland Samoyed specialty in which she was reserve winners bitch to a 5 point major. As we expected, Haven finished her American Championship in no time as well.
AKC, CKC Champion Snowshoe N Samtos's Rise to Fame
Fame is our pick from Dash (Am GCh Snowshoe's Sleigh Ride) and Portia's (Cnd CH Hawkwind's Venetian Agate Portia) litter who was born in the US. Heather had asked me if I would lease Portia to her, and I thought it was such a great idea! This litter turned out to be spectacular! Fame has completed her American and Canadian Championship and is now working towards her Ame Grand Championship. All this being owner-handled.
We are so proud of this special girl, and we are glad to show her for her championship. We believe that a breeder should talk the talk and walk the walk and of course, showing your own dog at the show is all part of walking the dog world walk. Fame has been bred and some of her puppies are going to show homes. Of course, we will bring them to the ring proudly. Stay tuned for those gorgeous puppies in the ring.
CKC Champion Samtos's I Did It My Way
Frankie is our first homebred out of Portia (CAD CH H's Venetian Agate Portia) & Dust (AM GCH RBD's Dust in the Wind). He was our pick of the litter out of 7 outstanding puppies. Frankie is co-owned with our great friend Tina Gibson (Snowybear Samoyeds).
In his very first show, Frankie was awarded Best Baby Puppy in Show at only 4.5 months old. As the song says, "I planned each charted course, each careful step along the way, and more, much more than this, I did it my way."
Frankie has finished his Canadian Championship in only 4 weekends. Now it is time to let him mature and soon we will hit the US rings and get his American Championship.
BISS, MBPISS, MBPIG, AKC, CKC, UKC Champion Kolinka's Majestic DJ
Welcome to DJ's page. DJ is our gorgeous and lovely boy from Kolinka Kennel. Kolinka has bred sammies for decades and has always produced structurally sound dogs.
DJ has a gorgeous front with a stunning laid back shoulder (not often seen in the breed anymore, unfortunately), lovely head piece, great reach and drive. DJ started his show career in Canada with a Group 3rd and a Best Puppy in Group and finished in no time with limited showing. Across the border, DJ has done well with 2 Best Puppy in Show Specialties, Best of Winners and also a Group 3rd. He has both Majors with limited showings in the USA.
DJ has finished his American Championship with a bang. He was awarded Best of Breed, then went to get Working Group 3 from the classes and also Owner Handler Group 1. At the 2015 Canadian Samoyed Nationals in QC, he was awarded Select Dog. On the following day at the Canadian Samoyed Regional Show, he was awarded Best In Show Specialty (BISS). DJ's first litter is on the ground and there are a few more on its way. His first litter has produced beautifully and his Daughter Kara (Kolinka's Dancing Trouble Kara) will be hitting the dog show ring soon. Watch out for this little superstar.
CKC Champion Hawkwind’s Venetian Agate Portia
Portia was a result of our extend research for quality and health. She came from Hawkwind Kennel in Minnesota. Hawkwind has produced great dogs and has focused on maintaining the health and soundness of the Sammie. Portia is of the offspring of Ray (GCH Hawkwind's Padparaja O'Fionntan) and Agate (Hawkwind's Painted Canyon Agate). Agate was Winner's Bitch at the 2011 Nationals in US and Ray has performed very well in the ring. She finished her CAD Championship in Nova Scotia during the Canadian Nationals week. Portia's temperament is to die for!
Needless to say, when it was time for us to breed her, we went back to Minnesota. For her first litter, she was bred to Dust and produced an outstanding litter. One of her puppies was awarded Best Baby Puppy in Show on his first day out in the ring. As a producer, she proved that she can produce better than herself which is all a breeder could ask for. Watch out for Portia's puppies in the ring!
Shebaska's Sugar N Spice
Bailey was our first Samoyed. She is a Shebaska Dog bred by Helga and Frank. Shebaska is behind a lot of great lines. They have the "extra" that many breeders look for. Bailey is our Houdini; there is no crate she can't open! She is our pet and DJ's partner in crime.